The Feast of Mar Shimun Bar Sabbae (August 19th)

Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

Mar Shimun Bar Sabbae, the illustrious metropolitan bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon, later reckoned as Catholicos-Patriarch, shines as a radiant star of faith during one of the darkest periods in the history of the Church in Persia. Born into a devout Mesopotamian Jewish Christian family in the late third century, Mar Shimun was nurtured in the teachings of the Apostles and grew in wisdom and grace under the tutelage of his predecessors. His deep piety and unwavering commitment to the faith led him to be consecrated as the bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon, a position that made him the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Christian community in the Persian Empire.

During his episcopate, the Christian Church in Persia flourished, even as it navigated the complex religious landscape of the Sassanian Empire, where Zoroastrianism was the state religion. Mar Shimun was known for his pastoral care, his love for the poor, and his dedication to the spiritual growth of his flock. His leadership was marked by a spirit of humility and a profound sense of duty to Christ and His Church.

The Martyrdom of Mar Shimun Bar Sabbae

However, the peace that the Church enjoyed was shattered during the reign of King Shapur II. The Persian king, faced with external threats and internal pressures, began a brutal persecution of Christians, whom he saw as allies of the Roman Empire. In 339 AD, Mar Shimun was arrested along with many of his clergy and faithful, accused of treason simply for refusing to pay the double tax imposed on Christians.

Standing before the king, Mar Shimun was offered his life and freedom if he would renounce Christ and worship the Sun God, the symbol of the Zoroastrian faith. With steadfast resolve, Mar Shimun refused, declaring that he could never betray his Lord and Savior. His unwavering confession of faith in the face of death was a source of great inspiration to his fellow Orthodox Christians.

After enduring cruel tortures, Mar Shimun was brought to the place of execution on Good Friday in AD 344, along with his companions, including the bishops Abdella, Hasu, and Pusai. With serene composure, he encouraged his fellow martyrs to remain faithful to the end, reminding them of the eternal crown that awaited them in the Kingdom of Heaven.

As he knelt to receive the crown of martyrdom, Mar Shimun prayed for the Church in the East and in Persia, entrusting it to the care of the Great Shepherd, Christ Himself. With the final stroke of the sword, Mar Shimun Bar Sabbae entered into the joy of his Lord, his blood mingling with that of countless other martyrs who bore witness to the truth of the Gospel.

Mar Shimun Teaching the People 

Mar Shimun's martyrdom was not the end but the beginning of a powerful testimony that would resonate throughout the centuries. His sacrifice strengthened the faith of the Christian community in Persia, India, China and the Far East, and his memory was venerated with deep reverence by the Ancient Churches. To this day, Mar Shimun Bar Sabbae is honored as a holy martyr and a champion of the Orthodox Faith, whose life and death continue to inspire Christians to remain steadfast in their commitment to Christ, even in the face of persecution. He is now celebrated on August 19th and on April 17th in the various Eastern Churches. 


O Almighty God, who didst give to Thy servant Mar Shimun Bar Sabbae boldness to confess the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world, and courage to die for this faith: Grant that we may ever be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us, and to suffer gladly for the sake of our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.


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