On the Theotokos of Port Arthur


Our Lady of Port Arthur, Gatekeeper of the Far East, Refuge of Chinese Christians 

Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West)

This is an Orthodox icon, representing the Most Holy Theotokos holding up the Holy Mandylion, the first icon in history, while being blessed by the Holy Trinity, and guarded by two angels. 

The icon is associated with the vision of an old sailor, who came to pray in the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra on December 11th, 1903. In his vision, the sailor reportedly saw the Virgin Mary, who warned him about the upcoming wars and unrest in China and the Far East. 

The Theotokos instructed the sailor to make an exact depiction of the vision and deliver it to Port Arthur (now Lüshunkou District), with her admonition written around the edges that those who see the icon would turn to Christ and put their faith in Him, so that that the Christians in China would endure their trials and not give up under persecution.

The icon was made as instructed and sent to the East, but it disappeared in transit and was not seen for over 90 years. In 1998, Christian pilgrims from Russia came to Jerusalem and fortuitously saw the icon in an antique shop, remembering the story of the famous icon that had been sent to China by the Theotokos. Expert examination confirmed its identity and the icon was bought to Vladivostok, the furthest eastern city in Russia, where it now rests in the Pokrovsky Church (44 Okeansky Ave.). 

The feast day of the Theotokos of Port Arthur is the 29th of August, and on this feast day, Orthodox Christians still pray for the peace of the Far East and for the increase of Christian Faith amongst the Chinese people.


ALMIGHTY GOD, Who didst grant the vision of the Holy Theotokos, Gatekeeper of the East, Refuge of all Far Eastern Christians, to the humble Ukrainian sailor, so that he might make an icon that proclaimed Thy saving power to all nations; grant that, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, we may all be safe from every peril of mind and of body, and able to hear and receive the glorious Gospel of Thy Son, Our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; Who livest and reignest with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever One God, world without end. Amen.


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