Saint King Stephen of Hungary, White Martyr and Humble Emperor, Defender of Faith and Champion of Western Orthodoxy

Collected and Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

Saint King Stephen of Hungary, born around AD 975, was the first King of Hungary and a pivotal figure in the Christianization of his nation. Originally named Vajk, he was baptized by the Greek Orthodox Bishop Saint Adalbert of Prague, taking the name Stephen in honor of the first Christian martyr. His baptism was a sign of Hungary's shift toward Christianity, not just as a Western nation but also as a bridge between Eastern and Western Christendom.

Crowned as the first King of Hungary in the year 1000 by the blessing of Pope Sylvester II, King Stephen saw his royal office as a divine calling to bring the light of Christ to his people. He founded numerous churches and monasteries, many of which followed the Eastern monastic traditions. His commitment to the unity of the Church extended beyond his own nation, fostering strong ties with both the Eastern Byzantine and Western Latin Churches. This dual influence enriched the spiritual life of Hungary, embedding deep Christian values in the fabric of the nation.

King Stephen was known not only for his political and military achievements but also for his deep personal piety. He was a man of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, and his reign was marked by a profound sense of justice and care for the poor. Many miracles were attributed to him during his lifetime, including the miraculous healing of the sick and the protection of his nation from invaders through his fervent prayers.

Under his reign, Hungary was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom King Stephen regarded as the true ruler of his kingdom. This act of consecration was a testament to his humility and his belief in the divine protection of Hungary through the Theotokos.

Saint Stephen's influence extended far beyond his earthly life. After his death on August 15, 1038, his tomb became a place of pilgrimage, and numerous miracles were reported by those who sought his intercession. His legacy as a holy king continues to inspire not only the people of Hungary but also all Christians who strive to live according to the Gospel in a world increasingly dominated by secularism and godless ideologies.

In our present age, as Hungary stands firm against the challenges of modernity, Saint Stephen remains a heavenly advocate for his nation, calling all people back to the ancient Christian faith that he so diligently defended and propagated. His life is a reminder that true kingship lies in service to Christ the King, and his intercessions before the heavenly Throne are a source of strength for all who seek to follow in his footsteps, pushing against the wiles of Self-Deceived Evolutionism, Blind Scientism, Dumb Atheism, Godless Communism, Satanic Abortionism, Misbegotten Feminism, Confused and Immoral Lifestyles, and Demonic Secular Humanism. May St. Stephen the White Martyr King, Humble Emperor of Hungary, empower our souls to stand until the end against the evils of this age! 


O Almighty God, who didst raise up Thy servant Stephen to be a King in Hungary and a light to the nations, and who didst endow him with the grace of holiness and the power to work miracles: Grant that, as we honor his memory, we may be inspired by his example of faith and righteousness; and that, through his prayers before Thy heavenly Throne, we may be delivered from all evil and strengthened in our fight against the powers of darkness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, ever One God, world without end. Amen.

St. Stephen of Hungary, pray for us!


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