A Contemporary Icon of St. Diomedes

Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

Saint Diomedes was born in the ancient city of Tarsus in Cilicia, a city well known as the birthplace of the Apostle Paul. Like the Apostle, Diomedes embraced the Christian faith and dedicated his life to the service of God and his fellow man. He became a physician, known not only for his skill in healing bodily ailments but also for his deep concern for the souls of those he treated. As a devout Christian, Diomedes viewed his work as a ministry, using every opportunity to share the Gospel with those in need of healing.

Saint Diomedes was not content merely to heal the body; he sought to bring spiritual healing to those afflicted by the darkness of paganism. He traveled extensively, preaching the Word of God and bringing many to the saving knowledge of Christ. Through his efforts, countless pagans were baptized and brought into the fold of the Church.

The fame of Diomedes spread far and wide, and with it, the ire of the pagan authorities. The Emperor Diocletian, known for his fierce persecution of Christians, heard of Diomedes’ work and ordered his arrest. Soldiers were dispatched to bring the saint to Nicomedia, where Diocletian had established his court.

As the soldiers escorted Diomedes to Nicomedia, they stopped along the way to allow him to rest and pray. During his prayers, the saint peacefully surrendered his soul to God. Not wanting to return empty-handed, the soldiers, not recognizing the sanctity of the moment, decapitated the saint and took his head as proof of his death. However, as they began their journey back, they were suddenly struck blind.

The soldiers, realizing that they had sinned against a holy man of God, were filled with fear and repentance. They returned the head of Saint Diomedes to his body, and miraculously, their sight was restored. Overcome with awe at the power of the true God, the soldiers themselves became believers and were later baptized.

The holy martyr Diomedes is venerated by the Church as a healer, and his name is invoked in the prayers of the Mystery of Holy Unction. His life and death testify to the power of faith and the enduring love of God, who works wonders even in the midst of suffering and persecution.


O Almighty God, who didst give to Thy servant Diomedes boldness to confess the Name of our Saviour Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world, and courage to suffer unto death for his faith: Grant that we may always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us, and to suffer gladly for His sake; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the power of the Holy Spirit, ever One God. World without end. Amen.


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