A Contemporary Icon of St. Alexander of Constantinople 

Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

Today, the Church commemorates St. Alexander, Archbishop of Constantinople, a valiant defender of the Orthodox faith and a key figure in the First Ecumenical Council held in Nicaea in AD 325. Serving under the aging Archbishop Metrophanes, St. Alexander, then a priest, stood in his place at the council and helped to condemn the Arian heresy. Arianism, which denied the divinity of Christ, claimed that there was a time when the Son of God did not exist. This heresy continues to influence various modern sects, including Millennialism and groups like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, which similarly deny Christ's eternal divine nature.

St. Alexander's unwavering commitment to Orthodoxy was recognized by divine revelation, as an angel appeared to Saint Metrophanes, confirming that Alexander would be his rightful successor. Upon Metrophanes' repose, Alexander became the Archbishop of Constantinople, where he continued to uphold the true faith against heretical influences. Under his leadership, the Church withstood not only theological challenges but also political pressures, as Emperor Constantine’s son favored Arianism. Despite the emperor's support for Arius, St. Alexander refused to admit the heretic to Holy Communion, standing firm in his dedication to preserving the purity of the Church’s sacraments against those who refused to recognize Christ’s divinity. 

Arius’ eventual death during Alexander’s tenure did not mark the end of the theological battles, as the seeds of his heresy continued to spread. Nevertheless, St. Alexander left an enduring legacy as a shepherd who protected Orthodoxy and upheld the Apostolic traditions, even when Arianism ruled powerfully through apostate princes and politicians. His life exemplifies the steadfastness required of those called to lead Christ’s Church, even in the face of slander, opposition and persecution. 

St. Gregory the Theologian, who assumed the position of Archbishop after St. Alexander’s death, later honored him with an incredible eulogy, and this piece of beautiful prose deeply influenced the West by the printing of this service in Venice in AD 1771. While some manuscripts suggest that his feast day should be on June 2, the Church traditionally commemorates him on August 30, alongside Saint Patriarchs John the Faster and Paul the New.


O Almighty God, who didst call Thy servant Alexander to defend the faith of Thy Holy Church against the assaults of heresy, grant that we, being steadfast in the confession of the true faith, may be preserved from all false doctrine and error, and remain ever firm in the communion of Thy Holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

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