St. Edward Confessor of England By Bp. Joseph ( Ancient Church of the West ) Today, the 13th of October, we remember the last Anglo-Saxon King of England, strong bastion of the Orthodox Church, and builder of Westminster Abbey, King Edward Confessor. St. Edward the Confessor (AD 1003-1066) was the last Anglo-Saxon King to uphold Orthodoxy in England, before Britain fell to Norman papists who replaced the bishops in communion with the Byzantine East with bishops exclusively loyal to Rome, and the Great Schism began to spread throughout the British Isles. He was the only king of England to be officially canonized by the Roman Church in an effort to bring the Anglo-Saxon element of the England into conformity with the Pope’s new political direction. While he was the only Saint-King that Rome ever officially recognized, he is only one in a long list of holy rulers that we recognize in our Patrimony - Sts. Alfred the Great, Edmund, Edith of Wilton, Easburh of Winchester, Edward the Eld