A Contemporary Icon of Sts. Adrian and Natalia

Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

During the reign of Emperor Maximian (AD 305-311), a fierce persecution arose against Christians in Nicomedia. Maximian promised rewards to anyone who informed on Christians, leading to the capture of thirty-three believers hiding in a cave. These martyrs were tortured, forced to worship idols, and brought before the Praetor. Among those witnessing these sufferings was Adrian, the head of the Praetorium.

Struck by the courage and unwavering faith of the martyrs, Adrian asked them, “What rewards do you expect from your God for your suffering?” The martyrs replied, “Such rewards as we are not able to describe, nor can your mind comprehend.” In a moment of divine clarity, Adrian declared, “Write my name down also, for I am a Christian and I die gladly for Christ.” This bold confession was reported to the emperor, who immediately imprisoned Adrian for his newfound faith.

Natalia, Adrian’s wife, secretly a Christian, rejoiced upon hearing of her husband’s conversion and impending martyrdom. She visited him in prison, encouraging him to hold fast to the faith: “You are blessed, my lord, because you have believed in Christ. You have obtained a great treasure. Do not regret anything earthly, neither beauty, nor youth, nor riches. Everything worldly is dust and ashes. Only faith and good deeds are pleasing to God.”

Adrian was granted a brief release from prison to inform Natalia of his execution. Initially, she feared he had renounced Christ, but upon hearing his steadfast confession, Natalia welcomed him back and prepared herself for his martyrdom.

When the day of execution came, the martyrs were ordered to have their hands and legs broken upon an anvil. Natalia, fearing her husband’s resolve might weaken, asked to place his limbs on the anvil herself. The storm that followed extinguished the fires prepared to burn the bodies, and many of the executioners were struck by lightning.

After Adrian’s death, Natalia preserved his hand as a relic and withdrew to Argyropolis, near Byzantium. A suitor pursued her for marriage, but she remained steadfast in her faith. Saint Adrian appeared to her in a dream, telling her she would soon be at rest with him. Not long after, Natalia reposed in the Lord.


O Almighty God, who didst strengthen Thy holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia and their thirty-three companions to endure their torments for Thy Name’s sake, grant us, we beseech Thee, such constancy of faith that, forsaking all things of this world, we may embrace the eternal treasures of Thy kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.


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