August 2024 Edition

Greetings in the Holy and Consubstantial Name of the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit! 

We are thrilled to announce the formation of the World Federation of Orthodox and Apostolic Churches, as of June 1st, 2024, founding a historic union that brings together diverse communities and bishops committed to living out the Apostolic and Orthodox Christian Faith within the confines of an authentic ancient tradition. This union exemplifies our dedication to fostering cross-cultural unity, doctrinal orthodoxy, and a missional spirit, all the while clinging to orthopraxy and unbending biblical morality. 


1. Metropolitan Archbishop Rogelio (Cruz) of Manila and Luzon, The Holy Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in the Philippines.

2. Metropolitan Athanasius (Venn) of North Asia, The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of East Asia.

3. Bishop Richard (Cumming) of New York, Cathedral of St. Mary the Virgin and the Society of St. Pius IX.

4. Archbishop Wayne (Daniels) of New York, Archdiocese of New York, the Church of America.

5. Bishop Tregenel (Thomas) of Mississippi, Missionary Diocese of Mississippi, the Church of America.

6. Bishop Joseph (Boyd) of Loveland, Missionary Bishop in the Ancient Church of the West, the Orthodox Archdiocese of America

7. Bishop Gregory (Vivian) of Bangkok, Missionary Diocese of Thailand, Anglican Vicariate of the Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

8. Chorbishop Paul (Molina) of Singapore and Cebu, the Missionary Diocese of East and Southeast Asia (Singapore).

9. Bishop Jamil (Willis) of Chicago, Diocese of Greater Chicago and Northwestern Indiana, Ancient Church of the West.

10. Chorbishop Philip (Clayton) of Raleigh and the Carolinas, Ancient Church of the West.

11. Bishop Aries (Aguilan) of the Anglican Rite Eparchate of the Orthodox Archdiocese of Manila, Holy Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in the Philippines.


1. The Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

2. Cathedral of St. Mary the Virgin and the Society of Pius IX.

3. The Church of America.

4. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church in East Asia.

5. The Holy Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in the Philippines.

6. The Anglican Rite Eparchate of the Orthodox Archdiocese of Manila.

7. The Missionary Diocese of East and Southeast Asia (Singapore).

8. The Ancient Church of the West.


In the early centuries of Christianity, the Church established canonical fellowship and mutual recognition through the collective guidance of bishops in synod and the adherence to Apostolic Tradition. Before the rise of Patriarchates and the politicization of Christianity, local churches maintained unity through councils, synods, and mutual recognition of each other's apostolic succession and doctrinal purity, keeping each other accountable through mutual submission and love. 

This ancient model of ecclesiastical communion is precisely what our federation seeks to restore. By coming together, our bishops are committed to supporting one another and their congregations in love and faithfulness to the teachings of the Apostles, while maintaining local autonomy and functional hierarchies that pastorally serve their communities. This return to an Apostolic Age is a testament to our desire to prepare for the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by fostering a community that reflects the early Church's unity and mission, while remembering our proper role as servants and stewards in these Last Days, with Christ as our Head. 


The formation of the World Federation of Orthodox and Apostolic Churches is more than an administrative alignment; it is a profound statement of our collective mission in the world, to spread an Orthodox Catholic Gospel in a time of great apostasy, confusion, immorality and rising false worship. Each bishop and church within this federation is dedicated to upholding the Orthodox Christian Faith in its fullness and spreading the Gospel across cultural and geographical boundaries. Our unity is rooted in mutual respect, shared values, and a common goal: to build each other up in faith and love. 

As we move forward, let us keep our focus on the Apostolic mission, drawing inspiration from the early Church's example. By working together, we can more effectively witness to the world, embodying the love of Christ and the truth of the Gospel.


In these exciting times, we invite all faithful to join us in prayer and support as we embark on this journey together. Let us remain steadfast in our commitment to the Apostolic and Orthodox Christian Faith, fostering unity and love among all believers. If you are interested in joining this federation and supporting this movement, please reach out to our administrative coordinator, Bp. Joseph Boyd at for more details. 

Stay connected with us for more updates and opportunities to get involved in our mission!

In the Holy Name of Christ the Lord,

The World Federation of Orthodox and Apostolic Churches


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