Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West


St. Mar Mari, one of the legendary Apostles of the East, is venerated in the Assyrian Church of the East, the Chaldean Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Indian Marthoma Orthodox and Malankara Orthodox Churches. His title "Mar" means "Lord" or "Father," denoting his high respect and reverence in these traditions, and showing how the saints are our fathers in the faith. According to tradition, Mar Mari was a disciple of Thaddeus of Edessa, also known as Addai, who was one of the Seventy Apostles sent out by Christ. They were responsible for carrying the first Icon of Christ, known as the “Mandylion,” which was the Face of Christ sent to heal the King or Edesa, King Abgar. 


Mar Mari, along with Mar Addai, is credited with bringing Christianity to the region of Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq). He is recognized for his missionary zeal and tireless efforts to spread the Gospel in a land dominated by ancient pagan religions. Through his evangelism, many Jews and Gentiles were converted to Christianity, and churches were established in various cities, including the ancient city of Edessa. His ministry was marked by miracles, healings, and the conversion of entire communities, showcasing the power of the Gospel and the presence of the Holy Spirit. 


One of Mar Mari's most enduring legacies is his contribution to the liturgy. The Holy Qurbana (Eucharistic service) of Mar Addai and Mar Mari is one of the oldest liturgies still in use today, directly incorporating the ancient Barakoth prayers from Jewish Temple Worship, as well as the rites of signing, anointing, and holy yeast, which comes from the Hebrew ritual. This liturgy, which is part of the East Syriac Rite, is notable for its simplicity, beauty, and deep theological significance. It is a testament to the early Christian worship practices and continues to be a vital part of the liturgical life in the churches that venerate Mar Mari.


While specific details about Mar Mari's martyrdom are scarce, tradition holds that he faced persecution for his faith. Like many early Christian missionaries, his unwavering commitment to spreading the Gospel and establishing the Church led to his eventual martyrdom. His death is seen as a testimony to his faith and dedication to Christ.


O Almighty God, who didst call thy servant Mar Mari to preach the Gospel and establish thy Church in the lands of the East; Grant that we, inspired by his example and aided by his prayers, may be steadfast in faith and bold in proclaiming thy Holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.


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