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An Icon of the Prophet Malachi in a Western Roman Fresco |
Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West)
On this day, the Western Orthodox Church commemorates the holy Prophet Malachi, who lived approximately 400 years before the Birth of Christ, during the period when the Jewish people returned from their Babylonian Captivity. As the last prophet of the Old Testament, St. Malachi is often called “the seal of the prophets,” for his inspired writings close the prophetic witness that prepared the world for the coming of the Messiah.
Malachi’s name, meaning "my messenger" or "angel" in Hebrew, reflects the holiness of his life and his role as a bearer of God’s word. Tradition holds that his extraordinary piety and goodness so astonished his contemporaries that they likened him to a heavenly messenger, hence the name Malachi. His prophetic ministry was marked by his bold denunciations of corruption among the priests and people, as well as his radiant hope in the promises of God.
In his short but profound book, included in the canon of the Old Testament, Malachi rebukes the laxity and unfaithfulness of the returned exiles. He calls them to renewed devotion to the Lord, urging them to offer pure worship and to live in justice and righteousness. With piercing clarity, he foretells the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and His Forerunner, St. John the Baptist: “Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple” (Malachi 3:1).
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A Contemporary Icon of the Prophet Malachi Done in Ancient Style |
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A Russian 16th Century Icon of St. Malachi Teaching the Blessed Apostle St. John the Evangelist |
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A Byzantine Style Icon in the Roman Martyrology and Book of the Lives of Saints, 9th Century, Kept at the Vatican Library |
Malachi also speaks of the final judgment, when the wicked will be consumed as stubble in the fire, but for the righteous, “the Sun of Righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings” (Malachi 4:1-2). His prophecies bridge the Old and New Covenants, pointing directly to the fulfillment of God’s promises in Christ.
Though little is known about Malachi’s life, the legacy of his words has echoed through the ages. His prophecy is read in the Church during Advent, as we prepare to celebrate the coming of the Lord. His words challenge us to offer God the purity of our worship and to live lives worthy of our calling as Christians.
The Church venerates St. Malachi as an intercessor and teacher, who reminds us that true worship must flow from hearts purified by repentance and faith. His feast invites us to meditate on the faithfulness of God, who sent His prophets to prepare the world for salvation and who continues to guide His people by His Word and Spirit.
We celebrate the memory of Your prophet Malachi, O Lord;
Through him we entreat You, save our souls.
Endowed with the gift of prophecy, O Malachi,
You clearly proclaimed the saving coming of Christ to the world.
His brightness has brought light to the whole universe.
O Almighty God, who by Thy servant Malachi, didst foretell the coming of Thy Son Jesus Christ to prepare the way before Him: Grant us so to purify our hearts and offer unto Thee acceptable worship, that when He shall come again in power and great glory, we may stand before Him without spot or blemish; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
St. Malachi the Prophet, pray for us!
#StMalachi #SealOfTheProphets #HolyProphet #WesternOrthodox #OldTestamentSaints #MessianicProphecy #PrepareTheWay #ChristIsComing #BiblicalFaithfulness #OrthodoxTradition #HolyScripture #ProphetOfGod #SunOfRighteousness #ChurchFeastDays #LivingTheFaith
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