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Fr. Calvin Robinson Imitating Elon Musk’s “Salute” and Mocking the Liberal Reaction to it, Leading to the Loss of Clerical License from the Anglican Catholic Church |
"Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s!" – Jesus Christ (Matthew 22:21)
By Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West)
Once again, the Anglican Patrimony has been set ablaze - this time, by the image of Fr. Calvin Robinson raising his hand in what is interpreted by the Left as the Roman salute. Fr. Robinson did this in solidarity with Elon Musk’s awkward “heart going out to all of you” gestures immediately following Trump’s inauguration. While the purpose may have been to mock the reactionary definitions of the Left, the symbolic gesture is tied to a deep cultural memory of the darkest chapter of the 20th century, and as such, merits a deeper examination.
It is astonishing that, in an era where the sins of National Socialism have been laid bare before all humanity, certain clergy would not flinch to be associated with it, even it is out of irony or trolling. There seems to be a small sector within historic Apostolic Churches that still find themselves seduced by the specters of absolute power and of demonic occult control that this movement manifests. Just as some claim that radical Leftist ideology serves the best interests of the Church, compromising to embrace the sins of transgenderism, perversion, child abuse and ungodly gender ideology, some believe that radical rightist ideology serves the best interests of Christendom, and that a militant, nationalistic fervor will somehow preserve the Church from corruption. They both drape the Cross in the banners of the world, believing they can wed the Gospel to the rainbow sword of Asmodeus or to the lightening sword of Odin, both disguised as the sword of Caesar. But in doing so, they forget the words of our Lord: “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36).
A Pagan Gesture from a Pagan Age
The Roman salute is not a Christian symbol. It is a sign of domination, an assertion of human power and ambition upon subjected and enslaved peoples. It represents a kingdom built on sacrifice - not the self-giving sacrifice of Christ, but the brutal sacrifice of others for the lust of fallen men. The Roman legions wielded this salute as they crucified our Lord and His martyrs.
By contrast, the Church from the beginning has marked itself not with the clenched fist or the outstretched arm, but with the Sign of the Cross. We do not offer salutes to earthly power; we raise our hands in blessing, tracing upon ourselves the holy Name of Christ: “ICXC” in Greek or the “IHS” of our Western tradition. In this is our victory - the victory of the Lamb who was slain (Revelation 5:12). The victory of the Son of God, who turned human power on its head, who wore a crown of thorns instead of laurels, and sat on a bloody instrument of torture rather than upon a gilded throne.
The Church Stands Alone
It must be said clearly and without hesitation: the ideology of National Socialism is not, and has never been, compatible with our Orthodox Christian Faith. It is a corruption, a violent attempt to wed paganism and racial idolatry to the structures of power. The men who championed the so-called “Reichskirch” did not serve Christ, but rather Odin, Thor, and the pantheon of false gods that St. Boniface once felled with his axe, incribed with the holy words of the Lord’s Prayer. “What concord hath Christ with Belial?” (2 Corinthians 6:15).
Our patrimony fought and died resisting such blasphemies. The Scottish Nonjurors, who were taken to trial with the slogan - “No King but Christ, no Church but Apostolic!” Also, the Caroline Divines, the greatest of whom we celebrate today, the Martyr King Saint Charles the First, who died with the prayer “for Christ and for my people,” upon his last breath. The Celtic saints and martyrs - the great St. Alban, a Roman soldier who died protecting an old priest; St. Edwin, who was martyred resisting the pagan gods of the Norse, dying with great signs and wonders for the glory of our Gods. They would never have lifted their hands in allegiance to a vision of the state that subjugates the Church and makes it a slave to the false god and goddesses of pagan darkness, which we know are the masquerading demons of Hell. Nor would the saints of the Undivided Orthodox Church, who shed their blood to establish the Gospel, make the error of lifting their hand in solidarity with the rise of a new pagan empire.
How, then, can any priest of Christ raise his hand in a gesture baptized in such bloodshed?
The True Power of the Ages - The Cross of Christ
We do not need the world’s power to survive. We do not need or depend upon the false human securities of militant nationalism, racial supremacy, or pharisaical fundamentalist authoritarianism. The Church has always flourished, not through grasping for worldly influence and power, but through suffering, through self-giving, through martyrdom. “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church” as that ancient axiom states so clearly!
Christ Himself rejected the temptation to begin His earthly rule. When Satan offered Him the kingdoms of this world, He replied: “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve” (Matthew 4:10). When Peter drew his sword, Christ commanded him to put it away, saying, “All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword” (Matthew 26:52).
The Apostles did not seek to build an empire, with the power Christ had given them to heal the sick and pick up serpents. They rebuked those who sought to buy and sell the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:9-24). They sought to build the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, the divine sovereign rule of Christ our Lord and Master! St. Paul did not command the Roman Christians to take up arms against Nero, but to live as citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20). The early martyrs did not salute the power of the state - they bore witness to Christ with their broken bodies and steadfast hearts. One Roman salute to the emperor would have bought their freedom, pledging their fealty to a fallen and sinful pagan lord, and yet they refused and were committed to the mouths of lions.
This is the true calling of the Church: not to dominate, but to serve; not to rule by force, but to reign with Christ through love. Not compromising to the Right nor to the Left, but removing our foot from evil (paraphrasing Proverbs 4:27).
Make No Compromise with the World
Let us be absolutely clear: WE CANNOT, WILL NOT, MUST NOT, align the Church with the demonic ideologies of National Socialism or radical rightist extremism. We are not servants of Baal, of Thunder, or of Lightening, but of the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
To align with the zeitgeist of the world is to betray Christ, who calls us to take up our cross, not the pagan standards of Caesar. It is to forget the lesson of history - that every time the Church has compromised with the political spirit of the age, it has betrayed its purpose, become a pawn of fallen human power, and ultimately led to damnation and condemnation, rather than to external life. It is to surrender to the great temptation of Christendom: to trade the suffering love of the Gospel in the Cross of Christ for the fleeting power of the world in a gilded throne.
But we were not called to build an earthly empire. We were called to “seek first the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33). Only when we reject the world’s grasp for power and embrace Christ’s call to humility and sacrifice will we see the true power of the Church - the power of holiness, of martyrdom, of a love stronger than death.
Let us stand firm, brothers and sisters. Let us reject the false gospel of an earthly political kingdom, and the temptation to power that the use of its symbols exerts in the reactions and emotional panic of those with whom we disagree. Let us lift up our hands, not in a salute to the powers of this world, but in the sign of the All Holy and Life-Giving Cross, in the Name of Christ, for the life and salvation of the world.
O Almighty and Everlasting God, who didst send Thine only-begotten Son not to establish an earthly kingdom, but to call all men unto Thy heavenly rule: Grant us the grace to renounce the power of this world, that we may take up our cross and follow Christ with singleness of heart. Deliver Thy Church from every snare of the enemy, from the deception of worldly glory, and from the corruption of pride, that we may serve Thee in humility and truth.
Cast down, we beseech Thee, every false idol that would set itself against Thy Holy Name - whether the tyranny of men who seek dominion over souls, or the vain philosophies of those who would wed Thy Gospel to the passing and evil empires of this world. Let Thy Church be steadfast in holiness, neither swayed to the left nor the right, but walking ever in the path of righteousness, which above all human posturing, power or empty virtue signaling.
Grant, O Lord, that we may never raise our hands in salute to the princes of this world, but only to trace upon ourselves the sign of Thy victorious Cross, by which Thy Son hath triumphed over death and the devil. Keep us faithful to the witness of Thy martyrs, who overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, loving not their lives even unto death.
For THINE is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, forever and ever. Amen.
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