“The Torment of St. Anthony”, Buffeted by Demons, Lifted Up Into the Sky, by Michelangelo, c. 1487 |
By Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West)
Blessed Feast of St. Anthony the Great (AD 251 - 356)! While not the first Christian ascetic, St. Anthony is widely credited with popularizing monasticism in the Christian world, and providing the paradigm for both individual and group monasticism in the wilderness. He is known for many miracles, fearlessly fighting with demons, and curing skin conditions. He is venerated by both East and West on the same day, January 17th, and his relics have been transported throughout the world, finally coming to rest in Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye, France. May God help us to wage war upon our flesh and the devil, and live in a holy and self-emptying way, learning not to care about the opinions of men or the vanities of reputation! St. Anthony, pray for us!
“Once, Anthony tried to hide in a cave to escape the demons that plagued him. There were so many little demons in the cave though that Anthony's servant had to carry him out because they had beaten him to death. When the hermits were gathered to Anthony's corpse to mourn his death, Anthony was revived. He demanded that his servants take him back to that cave where the demons had beaten him. When he got there he called out to the demons, and they came back as wild beasts to rip him to shreds. All of a sudden a bright light flashed, and the demons ran away. Anthony knew that the light must have come from God, and he asked God where he was before when the demons attacked him. God replied, ‘I was here but I would see and abide to see thy battle, and because thou hast mainly fought and well maintained thy battle, I shall make thy name to be spread through all the world.’” - The Life of St. Anthony, by St. Athanasius of Alexandria
The Life of St. Anthony, Anonymous, c. 1340 |
ALMIGHTY GOD, Who brought Thy holy ascetic Saint Anthony to serve Thee by a wondrous way of life in the desert; grant, through his intercession, that, denying ourselves, we may always love Thee above all things. Through Jesus Christ Thy Son Our Lord, Who livest and reignest with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever One God, world without end. Amen.
To read the full “Vita” of St. Anthony, continue here for an excellent translation:
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