Prince Vladimir Baptizing His People in the Dnieper River in His Capital of Kyiv

By Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West)

Today marked the 1036th anniversary of the Baptism of the Kyivan Rus! May Christ ever be glorified through the testimony of the glorious Prince Vladimir and of all the shining Saints of Kyiv!

In AD 988, Prince Vladimir I baptized himself and many people in Kiev, Ukraine, in a mass baptism that marked the beginning of the Christianization of Kievan Rus:

1. Baptism -

Vladimir baptized his 12 sons and many boyars, and then ordered the residents of Kiev to appear at the Dnieper River the next day for baptism. While Orthodox priests prayed, the residents were baptized in the river.

2. Destruction of pagan monuments -

Vladimir destroyed the wooden statues of Slavic gods that he had himself erected eight years earlier.

3. Construction of churches -

Vladimir built several churches, including the Church of the Tithes in 989, which would serve as his burial place. He also commissioned Byzantine-style churches with the help of Greek architects.

4. Adoption of Christian worship -

The new Christian worship of Rus adopted the Byzantine rite in Old Church Slavonic. 

Christ is glorified in every place and in every age by those who turn to Him in repentance and are baptized in the Name of the Holy Trinity!


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