St. Emilianos the Confessor

Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West)

Early Life and Vocation

St. Emilianos, also known as Emilianos the Confessor, was born in the early 8th century in the region of Thrace, near the town of Cyzicus. From a young age, Emilianos was known for his piety and deep love for the Church. His parents were devout Christians who nurtured his spiritual growth, teaching him the Holy Scriptures and instilling in him a fervent desire to dedicate his life to God.

Monastic Calling

Drawn to the monastic life, Emilianos entered a local monastery where he embraced the ascetic discipline with zeal. His life was marked by fasting, prayer, and the study of sacred texts. The monastic community quickly recognized his spiritual maturity and depth of wisdom, leading to his ordination as a priest.

Defense of Orthodoxy

During the reign of Emperor Leo III, the Byzantine Empire was engulfed in the Iconoclastic Controversy. The emperor, influenced by the growing movement against the veneration of icons, issued decrees forbidding their use and ordered their destruction. This led to widespread persecution of those who upheld the traditional practices of the Church.

St. Emilianos, as a staunch defender of Orthodoxy, spoke out against the emperor’s edicts. His unwavering stance and eloquent defense of the veneration of icons inspired many, but also brought upon him the wrath of the authorities. Arrested and brought before the imperial court, Emilianos refused to renounce his beliefs or cease his defense of the holy icons.

Martyrdom and Confession

After enduring harsh interrogations and suffering numerous tortures, Emilianos was sentenced to exile. He was sent to the remote region of Gomon, where he continued to minister to the faithful and uphold the teachings of the Church. Despite the harsh conditions and isolation, Emilianos remained steadfast in his faith, earning the title of "Confessor" for his courageous witness to the truth.

St. Emilianos reposed in the Lord on July 17th, his death marking the end of a life of unwavering devotion and courage. His relics, eventually returned to his homeland, became a source of healing and miracles, and his memory was cherished by the faithful who continued to be inspired by his example.


The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of St. Emilianos on July 17th, honoring his steadfast faith and his role in defending the veneration of icons. His life is a testament to the power of faith and the importance of standing firm in the face of persecution. St. Emilianos' legacy endures as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who seek to live a life of holiness and devotion to God.

Apolytikion for St. Emilianos the Confessor

Tone 4

O steadfast defender of the holy icons,
Emilianos, thou beacon of Orthodoxy,
With courage thou didst stand against the tyrant's decree,
Confessing Christ with unyielding heart.
In exile and in torment, thou didst shine with faith,
Now in the heavenly realms, intercede for us,
That we may remain true to our Savior's call,
Glory to Him who gave thee strength,
Glory to Him who crowned thee,
Glory to Him who works through thee, 
Salvation for our souls.


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