Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

On the 24th of July, we commemorate the blessed and glorious martyr, St. Christina, also known as Christina of Tyre. Born in the ancient lands of Persia, she was a bright beacon of faith, drawing upon the deep spiritual traditions of the Church of the East and the profound antiquity and holiness of the East Syriac Tradition. St. Christina's life and martyrdom serve as a testament to the universal nature of the Holy Spirit’s work across the Ancient, Apostolic, Orthodox, and Catholic Churches.

St. Christina was born into a noble family, her father being a prominent military officer in the service of the Persian king. Despite her pagan upbringing, Christina was drawn to the teachings of Christ and the light of His truth through the witness of old Jewish servants who had converted to the Gospel of Christ. Secretly, she was baptized and began to live a life dedicated to prayer and asceticism, contributing to the rich spiritual practices of the Eastern Syriac Tradition. It is said that she was visited by angels and that they introduced her to the practices of prayer and fasting, continuous prayer, and intercessions for all, which she then taught to the people around her, making her an early exponent of the legendary Persian nuns called the “Daughters of the Covenant.”

Her commitment to Christ did not remain hidden for long. When her father discovered her Christian faith through her shining good works and pure personal teachings, he subjected her to cruel tortures in an attempt to force her to renounce Christ. Yet, Christina’s faith was unwavering. She endured unimaginable sufferings, remaining steadfast in her love for the Savior. Her courage and fortitude converted many onlookers to the Christian faith, proving that the grace of the Holy Spirit transcends all boundaries.

Her story reached the Western regions, where the faithful were inspired by her witness and were awed that great Christian piety existed in the Persian Far East. St. Christina’s veneration spread throughout the Roman Empire, illustrating the profound connection between Eastern and Western Christianity. Her life and legend became a bridge between the Churches, demonstrating the unity of the Body of Christ and the shared heritage of all who follow Him.

St. Christina’s enduring legacy is a powerful reminder of the work of the Holy Spirit in all parts of the ancient Church and the fact that the non-Roman East was never forsaken by God, even with all the political, cultural, and later religious struggles that would seemingly divide the East and West apart. Her witness continues to inspire the faithful, calling us to a deeper commitment to Christ and a greater unity among His followers in the world today! 


O Almighty God, who didst give to thy servant Christina boldness to confess the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world, and courage to die for this faith: Grant that we, who remember her faithful witness, may follow her steadfastness and, inspired by her example, may bear witness to thy truth with humility and grace; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


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