A Contemporary Byzantine Icon of St. Paraskeva of Rome, Holding an Icon of the Suffering Christ 

Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

St. Paraskeva, also known as Paraskevi the Glorious and Paraskeva of Rome, was born in the 2nd century into a pious Christian family. Her parents, Agathon and Politia, were devout believers who lived in Rome. From an early age, Paraskeva showed a deep love for Christ and the Christian faith. She was well-educated, learning both the Holy Scriptures and secular knowledge. Her faith grew stronger after her parents’ death when she was in her twenties. Distributing her inheritance to the poor, she dedicated her life to Christ and the spread of Christianity.

St. Paraskeva traveled extensively, preaching the Gospel to women and children and performing miracles. Her eloquence and devotion attracted many converts. She is often depicted with a cross in her hand, symbolizing her missionary work, and a scroll, representing her teaching. Her miracles included healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and expelling demons. These acts drew many to the faith but also aroused the ire of the pagan authorities.

During the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius, St. Paraskeva was arrested for her faith. Despite being offered wealth and marriage to renounce Christ, she remained steadfast. She was subjected to various tortures, including having her eyes gouged out and being immersed in boiling oil. Miraculously, she emerged unharmed, leading many witnesses to convert to Christianity. Eventually, she was beheaded, receiving the crown of martyrdom on July 26. Her courage and unwavering faith in the face of persecution made her a revered saint in both Eastern and Western traditions.


Troparion (Tone 5)

"All illumined by the Spirit,
you sang hymns of praise to God the Word;
you waged war against the spirits of evil
and endured bravely the tortures of the Martyrs;
you received the crown of victory,
holy martyr Paraskeva.
O wise one,
entreat Christ our God to save our souls."


Almighty and Everlasting God, who didst endow Thy holy martyr Saint Paraskeva with the grace of steadfast faith and the power of divine miracles; Grant, we beseech Thee, that we, who commemorate her blessed martyrdom, may be so encouraged by her example and strengthened by her intercession, that we may endure with fortitude the trials of this life and receive with joy the crown of eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


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