An 18th or 19th Century Greek Icon for the Synaxis of All Angels

Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

Today, the Holy Church resounds with the exalted praises of the Nine Heavenly Ranks, honoring the Synaxis of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, together with all the Bodiless Powers. These mighty beings, created before the foundations of the earth, serve as ministers of the ineffable glory of the Most High. Before time began, in the unfathomable depths of eternity, God in His wisdom set the angelic hosts to guard His creation, to execute His decrees, and to unceasingly hymn His thrice-holy Name. 

At the head of these ranks stands the Archangel Michael, "Who is like God," the prince of the heavenly hosts, who cast down the rebellious dragon and his minions, crying aloud, “Let us stand well! Let us stand in awe before the Lord, our God!” By his sword, he preserves the unity of heaven and defends the faithful against the snares of the evil one. 

Close by his side is Gabriel, the herald of divine mysteries, who brought glad tidings to the Virgin of Nazareth, saying, “Rejoice, thou who art full of grace!” Through him, the Light of the world entered into time, and the mystery of the Incarnation was revealed. 

Joining them in ceaseless praise are the holy Archangels Raphael, the healer of infirmities; Uriel, the light of divine wisdom; Selaphiel, the intercessor and guardian of prayer; Jegudiel, the bestower of mercy; Barachiel, the distributor of blessings; and Jeremiel, the awakener of souls. 

With them stand the Thrones, whose tranquil majesty reflects the justice of God; the Dominions, who govern the lower orders; the Principalities, the stewards of nations; the Authorities, who quell the forces of darkness; the Powers, who enact God's decrees; the Virtues, who manifest divine signs and wonders; the Cherubim, who bear the knowledge of God; and the Seraphim, who burn with unending love. 

Through their ministry, the providence of God is revealed in all creation. They guide the cosmos in its appointed course, uphold the Church in her pilgrimage, and accompany each soul from birth to the grave. 

Let us, therefore, join their ineffable hymn, singing: 


O ye heavenly hosts, ranks ninefold, resplendent in glory, 
Thou Michael, Captain of Angels, Gabriel, Herald of the Word, 
Ye Raphael, Uriel, and the stars of heaven's firmament, 
Who ceaselessly attend the throne of the All-Holy Trinity: 
With the Seraphim, whose fiery love burns unquenched; 
With the Cherubim, thrones of wisdom and guardians of truth; 
With the Dominions and Authorities, the Principalities and Powers, 
Virtues radiant, Thrones of justice, and all heavenly dominions, 
Ye ever sing the hymn unending, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth,
The heavens and earth are full of Thy glory. 
Come now, ye faithful, lift up your voices! 
Exalt God’s Bodiless Powers, the protectors of our souls. 
To Michael, our shield; to Gabriel, our guide; 
To Raphael, the healer of our wounds, we cry aloud: 
Deliver us from the attacks and the wiles of the Devil, O ye servants of the Most High! 
Preserve us in the dread hour of judgment, 
That, guided by Christ’s holy light, 
We may enter the gates of the heavenly Zion, 
And there partake of the eternal hymn. 


O Immortal, Everliving, Everlasting God, who hast ordained and constituted the services of Angels and Men in a wonderful order: Mercifully grant that as thy holy Angels alway do thee service in heaven, so by thy appointment they may succor and defend us on earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who livest and reignest with Thee, in the power of the Holy Ghost, ever One God, world without end. Amen.

#OrthodoxChurch #EasternOrthodox #SynaxisOfAngels #ArchangelMichael #ArchangelGabriel #HolyArchangels #BodilessPowers #NineHeavenlyRanks #OrthodoxLiturgy #OrthodoxHymns #ByzantineTradition #LiturgicalFeast #OrthodoxFeastDay #Angelology #HeavenlyHosts #SpiritualWarfare #AngelicProtection #AnglicanOrthodox #1928BCP #OrthodoxPrayer #OrthodoxCollect #WesternOrthodox #AngelicMinistry #HolyTradition


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