St. Mercurius Philopater |
Today, we celebrate the Feast Day of Great Martyr Mercurius Philopater of Caesarea in Cappadocia. A Scythian by descent, St. Mercurius was born into a military family, and he followed the footstep of his father Yares. The hagiographies differ on his birthplace, citing Eskentos in Cappadocia or Rome.
Yares and Mercurius were once hunting in the forest, but an animal attacked the former, causing him to faint. Yares saw a vision and voice telling him about Mercurius's eventual fate, that of a holy martyr. Shortly after, Yares, his wife, and Mercurius were baptised, and the saint became Mercurius Philopater.
The locals heard of the family's conversion and tried to kill them by throwing them to wild beasts. Miraculously, the beasts did not attach them and the family was released. Yares, baptised Noah, would go to fight later on, but after seventeen months of captivity, he died shortly after returning to his family.
Mercurius Philopater would then serve in the army, chosen by Emperor Decius of Rome, a pagan. His courageous deeds are many, such as receiving a heavenly sword from St. Michael the Archangel and defeating his enemies with it and his military-issued blade. That was why the Barbarians called him Abu-Sefein, the father of two swords.
Emperor Decius was loyal to his strong warrior, but Mercurius did not worship the pagan gods. When the emperor wondered why his general would not bend the knee to idols, the great saint answered that he was a Christian. That was when Emperor Decius bound him and sent him to Caesarea.
After many trials, he was beheaded and died a martyr's death on December 4, 250. The Great Martyr was only 25 years old when God called His beloved saint home.
Tradition tells of the newly martyred Mercurius appearing to a poor man in dreams, leading to the discovery of his fragrant relics. People would later come and venerate the Great Martyr and his blessed body was buried with all due respect in a new church.
Even in death, St. Mercurius is still a warrior, both in prayer and in martial deeds. Legends mention how St. Basil the Great asked the martyr for intercession against Julian the Apostate. During that moment, an icon bearing the saint's image holding a spear stood before St. Basil. The moment St. Basil prayed, St. Mercurius vanished and came back with a flashing spear.
The soldiers never knew who killed Julian the Apostate, but all they saw was an unknown spearman slaying the wicked man. Even today, St. Mercurius prays for us and keeps a watchful eye on the Church as God's soldier. May he always intercede for us!
O God, who empowered Great Martyr St. Mercurius Philopater with faith and swords both heavenly and earthly, who allowed the saint to labor even after death: grant us sinners the courage and wisdom to die to the world and ourselves, that we will one day earn our heavenly crowns. Keep us through your Great Martyr's soldierly service even after death. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
墨丘利·爱父者被拜偶像的罗马皇帝迪修斯拣选来代替父亲。参军时,他立了大功,而且被神眷顾。有一次天使长米迦勒从天而降,赐予墨丘利一把来自天上的宝刀。因为他勇敢地利用宝刀和本来的军刀击败敌人,所以野蛮人都称他为阿布-撒腓因 (Abu-Sefein),就是“双刀的父亲”的意思。
神啊,祢赐予给大殉道者墨丘利·爱父者信心和来自天上地下的双刀,也让这位圣徒死后继续服侍你:求祢让我们罪人得着勇气和智慧以便死于世界和自我,使我们能某天头戴天上的冠冕。借着我们的主耶稣基督,祂在圣灵的合一中与祢同生并作王,永远独一之神,世世无尽。 阿门.
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