Apostle Philip Witnessing to the Ethiopian Eunuch in a Contemporary Byzantine Icon

Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West)

The Holy Apostle Philip, one of the original Seven Deacons appointed by the Apostles, was a man of deep faith and service. He was married and had four daughters who were consecrated virgins, each graced with the gift of prophecy (Acts 21:9). Their piety and devotion were a testament to the sanctity of St. Philip's household, grounded in his own commitment to the Lord.

St. Philip was among the first chosen to serve as a deacon in the early Church, alongside St. Stephen and five others (Acts 6:5). His role as a deacon was not only to care for the material needs of the poor and widows, but also to proclaim the Gospel with power and authority. His preaching was accompanied by miracles, and even Simon the Magician, after witnessing these signs, repented and sought baptism at Philip’s hands.

One of the most significant moments in St. Philip’s ministry occurred when he was guided by the Holy Spirit to the Ethiopian eunuch, a high official in the court of Queen Candace of Ethiopia. After explaining the Scriptures and proclaiming the Good News of Christ, Philip baptized the eunuch, marking the beginning of the Ethiopian Church’s apostolic foundation (Acts 8:26-39).

Later in his life, St. Philip was appointed as a bishop and continued to serve the Church with wisdom and holiness. He reposed in peace, leaving a legacy of faith, service, and apostolic zeal.


O Holy Apostle Philip, 
Faithful servant of the Lord, 
In wisdom you preached the Gospel, 
Baptizing many into Christ's grace. 
Intercede for us, we pray, 
That we may be found worthy of salvation. 
Thy words, O Philip, were filled with power, 
For thou didst proclaim Christ's resurrection, 
Guiding souls from darkness to light, 
And by thy prayers, 
Grant us to walk in the way of truth. 


O God, who hast taught us by the ministry of thy blessed Apostle Philip to serve both body and soul in thy Holy Church, grant us the grace to follow his example, that we may proclaim thy Gospel in word and deed, and serve one another in humility and love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

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