The Sinai Pantocrator, the Ancient Face of Christ

October 2024 Edition


Greetings in the Holy and Consubstantial Name of the Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

As we embrace the month of October, we are filled with joy and gratitude for the overwhelming success of our inaugural meeting of the World Federation of Orthodox and Apostolic Churches on the evening of Sunday, October 13th. Officially formed on June 1, 2024, our union represents a historic reunification of diverse Apostolic and Catholic Churches, from valid Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Old Catholic and Church of the East extractions, headed by visionary and missions-minded bishops dedicated to living out the Orthodox Christian Faith.


Our inaugural meeting was not just a formal gathering; it was a vibrant celebration of unity, love, and brotherhood. As bishops from different ethnic and liturgical backgrounds came together, we witnessed the powerful work of the Holy Spirit in our midst. The atmosphere was charged with hope and joy as we engaged in heartfelt discussions, deepening our commitment to the mission entrusted to us by Christ. It reminded many of the Apostles in the Upper Room in Acts 1:13-14, when they received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, empowering them to fulfill the Great Commission and reach the world with the Orthodox Gospel.

We rejoiced in the beauty of our orthodox diversity within the One Church of Jesus Christ, recognizing that each member brings a unique perspective and strength to the World Federation, helping to heal over a thousand years of division, schism, misunderstanding and cultural bitterness. This gathering was a testament to our mutuality in Christ, fostering an environment of respect, encouragement, and collaboration, and giving us hope for more advanced cooperation in the future in areas of ministry, pastoral formation, academic cooperation, missions and counseling. Together, we are not merely a federation of churches; we are a family bound by our shared faith and purpose.


We are delighted to report that we accomplished everything outlined in our meeting schedule:

1. Greeting by Bp. Joseph

2. Recognition of All Bishops in Attendance

3. Reading of Charter and Moral Covenant

4. Vote on President and Vice President: We celebrated the election of our registrar, Bp. Joseph (Boyd) of the Ancient Church of the West, to the extremely limited position of President and Abp. Wayne E. Daniels Jr. as the Vice President. Their leadership reflects our collective desire to guide this Federation with wisdom and love, not out of a desire for pride of place or acquisition of title, but out of a true calling to ministry and a love for our people and local congregations.

5. Discussion on Website and Content for “”: This included church introductions, bios, and a map or list of parishes.

6. Approval of the Process of the Federation Being Certified as a Chaplain Providing Organization for the U.S. – Hospital, Hospice, and Military.

7. Approval of an In-Person Meeting Next Year: We discussed our next meeting and began the discussion about potential locations for our future in-person gathering.

8. We were also thrilled to welcome Bp. Page Brooks as an individual observer, enriching our discussions with his insights and perspective. We praise God for such wonderful friends and ask Him to bring us many more such allies and comrades in arms!


The strength of our Federation lies in our member churches, which now officially include:

1. The Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

2. Cathedral of St. Mary the Virgin and the Society of Pius IX.

3. The Church of America.

4. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church in East Asia.

5. The Holy Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in the Philippines.

6. The Anglican Rite Eparchate of the Orthodox Archdiocese of Manila.

7. The Missionary Diocese of East and Southeast Asia (Singapore).

8. The Ancient Church of the West.


During our time together, we articulated our goals and aspirations clearly. We are committed to working toward the reunification of our member churches around an authentic Orthodox Gospel, restoring communion among validly ordained local churches, and sharing a joint mission in unreached and marginalized areas. Together, we can make a profound impact, embodying the love of Christ and the truth of the Gospel in a world that so desperately needs it.


Our Federation exists to serve the needs of the ancient Apostolic Christian Church in its Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Church of the East, Old Catholic (Union of Scranton) and Continuing Anglican (with restored Old Catholic orders) expressions, and we encourage all such bodies to join themselves to us as a prophetic act of obedience to Christ's prayer in John 17:20-23. Our mutual recognition is based upon the 1990 Chambesy Agreement between the Orthodox Churches and the Coptic Orthodox Church (Representing the Oriental Orthodox Communion), the 1987 Commission on Unity between the Orthodox Church and the Polish National Catholic Church, the 1923 Pan-Orthodox Conference and the 1936 Bucharest Agreement, which outlines the pathway for mutual recognition between local Churches, and also the 2018 Declaration by the Ecumenical Patriarchate on the validity of Ukrainian Orders, which shows the Apostolicity and Canonicity of the Churches descending from these successions. Our union is based on a shared declaration of the Nicene Creed (without the filioque), Neo-Chalcedonian definitions of the Council of Chalcedon, and upon the mutually recognized Apostolic Succession and Ordinals, held in common by all Ancient Churches. 

We also warmly extend an invitation to all Christians baptized in the Name of the Holy Trinity, particularly those from various Protestant traditions, to join us as individual observers in the World Federation. This unique status is not merely a call to dialogue; it is an opportunity for deeper engagement with the historic Christian faith. Observers will have the chance to explore the richness of Orthodox liturgical worship and to commit to the doctrinal and moral clarity preserved in the Orthodox tradition. As observers, you will gain insight into the continuity of Apostolic tradition and the depth of ancient prayers and liturgies that have shaped Christian worship for centuries. This is an invitation to embrace a richer understanding of faith while upholding the moral clarity that is central to our collective mission. By joining as an observer, you will find a supportive community where you can grow in your faith, fostering unity rooted in truth, love, and mutual respect.


In this season of gratitude, let us continue to rejoice in the bonds of unity, love, and brotherliness that have been strengthened through our inaugural meeting. If you are interested in supporting our mission or learning more about joining as an observer, please reach out to Bp. Joseph Boyd at for further details.

May God bless you abundantly as we embark on this sacred journey together, united in our commitment to the Apostolic and Orthodox Christian Faith.

In Christ's Love,

The World Federation of Orthodox and Apostolic Churches


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