A Contemporary English Icon of St. Chad by Aidan Hart

Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West


In the stormy years of the seventh century, as the light of Christ spread across England, Saint Chad stood as a beacon of humility, holiness, and apostolic zeal. A disciple of St. Aidan of Lindisfarne, Chad embodied the asceticism of the Celtic Church while embracing the catholicity of the developing Anglo-Orthodox tradition. He was a monk, a bishop, a miracle worker, and above all, a servant of Christ’s flock. 

Born into a noble Northumbrian family, Chad was trained at Lindisfarne under St. Aidan and his successor St. Finan. He absorbed their love for the Scriptures, their monastic discipline, and their missionary fervor. His three brothers, Cedd, Cynebil, and Caelin, all entered the clergy, but it was Chad who would bear the greatest burden for the Church. 


Chad was appointed Bishop of the Northumbrians during a time of ecclesiastical turmoil. When controversy arose over his consecration - performed in the older Celtic rite, a rite that Rome had no canonical rite to contest - Theodore, the Archbishop of Canterbury, sought to regularize his position. In profound humility, Chad relinquished his episcopal office rather than cause division. Seeing such godliness, Theodore rallied to reinstated him as Bishop of the Mercians and the Lindsey people, entrusting him with the vast, untamed heartland of England. 

Refusing to ride a horse, Chad traveled on foot, visiting his scattered flock, preaching the Gospel, and living among the people as a true father. When St. Theodore saw his unshakable humility, he lifted Chad onto his own horse, saying, “Ride, for the sake of the Lord’s work!” 


St. Chad’s holiness was confirmed by many miracles. Angels were seen singing at his monastery in Lichfield, and at his death, heavenly voices filled his cell. One of his disciples, Owini, beheld this angelic visitation and knew his master was being called to his eternal rest. 

His very presence sanctified the land. Wells associated with him became healing springs, and his prayers brought divine mercy to the sick and needy. Even the birds of the air seemed drawn to his gentle spirit - St. Chad would often withdraw to pray in solitude, surrounded by the song of sparrows. 

A English Parish Church Window Stained-Glass Icon

The Emblem from the Floor of Lichfield Cathedral Shrine for St. Chad 

Freestanding Anglo-Catholic Icon of St. Chad from the Early 1900’s

Contemporary Icon from the Shrine of St. Chad

A Latin Manuscript Illuminated Icon of St. Chad


Chad’s episcopacy laid the foundations for the Mercian Church, ensuring its unity with both the older British Christian tradition and the wider Western Orthodox world. His monastic reforms and missionary labors helped to root the faith deeply in the English soul, shaping the ecclesiastical life that would endure in England for a thousand years. 

His shrine at Lichfield became a great site of pilgrimage, a testament to his enduring intercession. Though the Reformation saw the destruction of many relics, his sacred bones were preserved and are venerated even today. St. Chad remains an icon of what the Anglo-Celtic English Church was - and can be again: Orthodox in faith, ascetic in life, and humble in service. 


O Almighty and everlasting God, who didst call Thy servant Chad to walk in the humility of Christ, to labor in the vineyards of Thy Church, and to shine as a light in the land of the English: Grant that we, following his lowliness and zeal, may be found faithful in our generation, and at the last be made partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. 

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