A Contemporary Eastern Orthodox Icon of St. Blaise

By Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

On February 3rd, we commemorate the Feast Day of St. Blaise, a venerable figure revered in the East and West. Let us retell the story of this wondrous saint, who glows in a halo of uncreated light and declares the Gospel of Christ to all who will listen. 

St. Blaise is known by titles of physician, bishop, and martyr, graced our Christian history during the early 4th century in Sebaste, Armenia. A scion of Christian nobility, his path from childhood was guided by a flaming torch of divine love, which he inherited from Christian parents and friends, who helped him grow in wisdom and the knowledge of the truth.

Within our Western Orthodox tradition, St. Blaise is hailed for his blessing of throats — a ritual that echoes through all the ancient Syriac, Armenian, English and Latin Rites. In the sacred solitude of a makeshift Armenian cave chapel, he bestowed compassionate benedictions upon the sick and wounded, and even treated animals, sheep and cattle. A poignant legend recounts the healing touch of St. Blaise, as a distraught mother sought his intercession for her son, choking on a fish bone. The miraculous healing given by God because of his devout intercession became a famous testament of divine grace, sought especially by those afflicted with throat maladies.

In the year AD 316, the winds of persecution swept through the region under the arrogant tyranny of Emperor Licinius. Governor Agricolaus became the instrument of this fearful ordeal, marking the beginning of St. Blaise's trial and martyrdom. A somber symphony of suffering unfolded throughout the land, as the evil governor devised tortures for the Christians. In an especially horrific torture, iron woolcombs were used to tear off St. Blaise’s flesh, as he refused to renounce his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Only after his flesh was gone, he was beheaded to end his agony. Now the Western Orthodox tradition venerates St. Blaise not only as a venerable physician martyr but also as the patron saint of woolcombers and textile weavers.

Today, may we, in the spirit of St. Blaise, find comfort in the abiding presence of God and extend that solace to others who tread the path of suffering.


Almighty and Everlasting God, Who, in Thy infinite wisdom, didst raise up Thy servant Saint Blaise to be a physician of both body and soul, a faithful bishop, and a valiant martyr: Grant unto us, thy humble servants, the grace to emulate his steadfast devotion and unwavering faith. May we, in times of trial, find solace in the blessings of throats bestowed through his intercession, and be fortified by the example of his sacrificial life. May his prayers be a source of inspiration and healing, especially for those afflicted with ailments of the throat today. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who livest and reignest with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.


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