An Icon of Mar Bawai the Great by Bp. Joseph 

By Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

Among the saints of the Church of the East, Mar Bawai the Great shines as a beacon of pastoral care, doctrinal steadfastness, and unwavering fidelity to the apostolic faith. Living in the fourth century AD, during a time of severe persecution under the Sasanian Empire, Mar Bawai offered his life in service to Christ and His Church. His memory is venerated not only for his theological acumen but for his remarkable courage and dedication as a shepherd of God’s flock. 

Born in the region of Beth Garmai, Mar Bawai grew up in a culture deeply intertwined with the faith of the Church of the East. Little is known of his early life, but his profound knowledge of Scripture and deep love for Christ brought him to serve as a bishop in the Persian Empire. His episcopal ministry was marked by his tireless defense of the Church’s faith in the face of opposition, both from internal schisms and external threats posed by the Zoroastrian authorities. 

Under the reign of Shapur II, the Church of the East endured one of the most brutal persecutions in its history. As a bishop, Mar Bawai became a leader in the defense of the faithful, shepherding them through trials and suffering. His theological writings emphasized the importance of unity in the body of Christ and the endurance of faith even unto martyrdom. His life testified to the Antiochene tradition of the Church, upholding the full humanity and divinity of Christ as the foundation of Christian hope. 

Mar Bawai’s ministry was not confined to the pulpit or the council chambers; it was lived out in the suffering and perseverance of his people. He offered pastoral care to those imprisoned for their faith and provided encouragement to the persecuted communities. His leadership strengthened the Church during a time when its very existence was under threat. 

Though Mar Bawai is not remembered for his poetic compositions like Mar Narsai, he left behind a legacy of theological clarity and practical wisdom. He defended the apostolic teaching with zeal and humility, ensuring that the faith handed down by the Fathers would not falter under pressure. 

The Teshboktah of Mar Bawai the Great

Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Creator of all, 
Who by Thy Word didst call the heavens into being, 
And by Thy Wisdom didst adorn the earth. 
The sun and moon obey Thy command; 
The stars declare Thy glory without end. 

Thou, O Eternal Word, didst humble Thyself, 
Taking flesh from the holy Virgin, 
Yet without division or confusion, 
That Thou mightest restore Adam’s fallen race 
And bring light to those who dwelt in darkness. 

By Thy cross, O Savior, Thou hast broken death, 
Thou hast opened the gates of Sheol 
And called forth the captives to life. 
By Thy resurrection, joy has filled creation, 
And peace is proclaimed to the ends of the earth. 

Blessed art Thou, O Lord, who hast established Thy Church, 
A refuge for the weary, a haven of peace. 
Thou hast set Thy Table before us, 
A fountain of life flowing from Thy grace, 
Through which we partake of Thy Body and Blood. 

Glory be to Thee, O Christ, who didst redeem the world. 
Glory to the Father, who sent Thee for our salvation. 
Glory to the Holy Spirit, who sanctifieth and giveth life. 
Blessed be the Holy Trinity, now and ever, 
World without end. Amen. 

Mar Bawai is said to have died in peace, though his life was marked by constant danger and difficulty. His steadfastness and love for Christ earned him the title “the Great,” and his memory has been kept alive in the liturgical traditions and hagiographies of the Eastern Church. 


O ALMIGHTY GOD, who didst raise up thy servant Mar Bawai to be a faithful shepherd and defender of thy Church, grant that we, following his example of steadfastness and love, may remain firm in the faith delivered once to the saints. Strengthen us in times of trial and persecution, that we may bear witness to thy truth and glorify thy holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.


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