A Pious Woman Lighting a Candle in Church

By Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

1. Totalizing Views of the Power of the Episcopacy, the Importance of National Synod Up and Against the Local Church, the “Calvinistic” Purity of the Church (Belief that Orthodoxy has been Supernaturally Preserved from Error, Up and Against the Roman and Oriental Churches, Dismissing all Contemporary Difficulties as Disciplinary and Non-Essential); Seeing Current Political Problems as Dismissible Whereas Historical Political Problems are Always Doctrinal.

2. Mistaken Ideas of Canonicity Based on False Narratives (Ancient Patriarchates Were Not Established by the EP, Were De Facto Established by Population of Christians in Their Cities for Practical Reasons, with the Exception of Jerusalem at the Council of Chalcedon) and Ignoring Modern Papal Error of the EP - Moving from “Primus Inter Peres” to “Prima Sine Partibus,” etc.

3. Ahistorical Understanding of the Origin and Continuity of the Patriarchates - Georgia and Armenia Linked to the Church of the East and Antioch, not the EP. Several Churches granted Autocephaly by the Emperor without Patriarchal Action. The Problem of “Giving” and Then “Retracting” Autocephaly - Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine, Etc.

4. Wrong View of Monasticism as Sacramentally Foundational to the Church and Essential to the Episcopacy. Monasticism is a Gift, but It was Only Established 300 Years After Christianity Took Hold of the Roman Empire.

5. A Wrong View of Calendar and Assumptions about the Vernal Equinox that are Unfounded in History (It Could be Easily be Scientifically Recalculated, Instead of Being Based Off of an Arbitrary Date, since Alexandria Stopped Doing Astronomy Due to Cultural Collapse in the Late Roman Period).

6. Wrong View of Church-State Power: Mistaking State Power and Sponsorship for the Mark of Ultimate Truth.

7. Anti-Westernism, Cultural Chauvinism, and Historical Bitterness of Losing Sides in Historically Oppressed Countries.

8. Infallibility of Councils and Canons Based in Self-Proclamation Rather than Reception by All Churches.

9. False Beliefs in Miracles that Prove Eastern Orthodoxy Correct - The Holy Fire, Changing Currents in the Jordan, and Swarming Snakes. All of These Claims Can Be Proven False and Are Not Required for Faith (They are Not in Any of the Ecumenical Councils, and Many, Including the Fire, are Very Late Additions to Tradition).

10. Mistaken belief that Orthodox Saints are the Only Incorruptible Bodies When All Ancient Churches Have Them.

11. Belief that Orthodox Icons Protect from Fire, Plague, Attacks of the Enemy, that They “See” Out of the Icon, and that They Must Be Covered when in the Room of a Married Couple.

12. Belief that Orthodox Saints Can be Bought Off or Bartered With in Order to Receive Favors of Blessing, Success, Prosperity, or Good Test Results. Belief that Gifts of Gold and Silver Given to Icons will Ensure Favors or Healing.


1. One God as Revealed in the Old Covenant.

2. Holy Trinity as Revealed in the New Covenant at Christ’s Baptism.

3. The Incarnation and Christ’s Nature as Fully God and Fully Man, Establishing the Basis for Our Salvation and the Reality of the Sacraments.

4. Apostolic Succession and Orthodox Doctrine Held in Dynamic Tension. An Unbroken, Unschismed Priesthood Coming Down from This Succession by the Laying On of Hands Into the Modern Day.

5. Historical Continuity of Thought through the Nicene Creed, Historic Liturgies, and the Fathers of the Church.

6. The Seven Ecumenical Councils to Clarify What the Church has Always Believed, Not Adding To or Developing Any Doctrine. Esteeming the More Ancient Creeds and Councils as Having the Most Authority (As Opposed to the Later Principle of Theodore Balsamon).

7. Right View of Scripture as Communal Document Interpreted through Concentric Rings of Literal Context, Analogical Understanding, Philosophical Inquiry and Life Application. St. John Chrysostom is the Prime Example Here.

8. The Centrality of the Eucharist to the Synaxis of Baptized Christian Believers. Truly Uniting with Christ Mystically in Both Body and Spirit.

9. Visible Church made of Local Episcopally-Headed Churches in Communion with Each Other through Mutual Recognition in the Reception of the Creed, Sharing the Same Faith, and Communing in the Same Sacraments.

10. Practical Path to Holiness in Holistic Sanctification in Fasting, Prayer, Alms and Good Works.

11. Realistic View of Man and the Human Condition and the Need for Continuous Repentance and Discipleship.

12. Free Will and God’s Sovereignty Together in One Mystery which Never Believes that God is Circumscribed or Comprehended.

13. Creationistic without Being Scientistic, Belief in the Sanctity and Eventual Salvation of the Whole Universe through Christ’s Incarnation and the Sacramental Life of the Church.

14. Salvation Offered for All Humankind through the Sacrifice and Eternal Highpriesthood of Christ. God Does Not Will Any to Perish, But for All to Come to Eternal Life. The Holy Trinity Works for Our Salvation through the Created World and Receives Us by Grace into Their Eternal Communion, Which Is Eternal Life!

15. Hell is the External Experience of the Infinite Love and Glory of God, Resisted by the Individual Will of Those Who Do Not Love God or Accept His Free Gift of Grace.

16. Literal Return of Christ to Rule and Reign Forever in the Eschaton, Uniting Heaven and Earth.

17. Books, Buildings, Icons, Symbols, Rituals and Cultural Commemorations of Christ, His Saints, and the Church are All Seen as Good and Worthy of Respect. Worship is Reserved for God Alone. Veneration (Extreme Respect) is Paid to All Things Bringing Us the Gospel. Kissing, Bowing, Genuflecting, Etc, Are All A Part of This Christian Culture of Honor.


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