The Communion of Asmodeus
Asmodaeus, King of Demons, from J.A.S. Collin de Plancy'S Dictionnaire Infernal,
Paris, France, AD 1863
"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." - Romans 1:24-27
In the beginning of the world, man was created with two supernatural capacities - consciousness of God's presence (which was reflected as worship), and reproduction (the cooperation with the act of God's creation itself, producing others to glorify and worship Him). The fall cut Man's consciousness from its continuous source of life and uncreated Energies, and man was left with only one aspect of his supernatural nature, the act of reproduction. This act is tied to worship and to consciousness itself - the symbols of our reproductive organs are the foundation of the psychological construction of identity, with the masculine and feminine roles deeply rooted in how humans understand the world. These symbols forms a key component of our selves, our relationships, and our family orders. It is this family order upon which the whole of society is built. Therefore, sexuality is the most important aspect of civilization and culture, and how it is employed is the fundamental key to the contextualization of meaning and of universally recognized truth within the sphere of human affairs.
In pre-Christian history, homosexuality, cross-dressing, rape and prostitution were associated with pagan sacrificial ritual, the worship of brutal gods and goddesses, demonic possession, necromancy, divination and magic. The ancient Jews and early Christian associated one of the seven principal demonic personalities found in the Books of Enoch and Tobit, Asmodeus, with the practice of homosexuality and perversion, and he is mentioned by name in several ancient exorcism texts that attempt to free the tormented from the spiritual bondage of these demonic sexual practices. St. Gregory the Great mentions him by name in the “Order of Thrones” as one of the demonic lords that rule the world under Satan as a “Dominion,” forcing those who worship him to commit depraved and debauched acts in rebellion against God’s holy law and bringing all who serve him to an untimely, tormented death. Contemporary Paganism and Satanism, inspired by such diverse influences as Paschal Randolf, Alexander Crowley, Indian Tantra, Medieval Black Magic, the recent resurgence of interest in Islamic and Jewish occult magic (such as the “Seven Seals of Solomon,” in which Asmodeus plays a key role), have all popularized ritual sexuality as a source of spiritual power and have overturned centuries of Christian cultural conventions that have kept these dark forces at bay. In our post-Christian context, perverse symbols associated with the worship of Asmodeus, widely prevalent in pornography and music videos, are now proliferating in our secular entertainment and pop culture. These symbols and rituals accustom our minds to spiritual darkness, open our hearts to demonic influences, and twist our children from an early age. Just as it was with castrated male slave prostitutes in ancient pagan temples, transgenderism, the ritual mutilation of our God-given reproductive organs, continues to be a literal sacrifice to this evil demon of lust, and his malevolent presence grows stronger as the practice becomes more accepted and glorified throughout the West. We are now living in an age defined by the archetype of one of Satan’s chief henchmen, the cruel demon of lust, Asmodeus.
The Tragic Loss of the Eucharist
In stark contrast to the darkness of the pagan world, Christianity practices a Eucharistic faith, a faith that insisted the Man of Perfect Glory, the God-Man, instated a ritual in which He was physically consumed by believers to manifest His presence, transformation into His image, and the ultimate perfection and deification of the worshipper. For the last two thousand years, this hope and beauty stands as a strong bastion of humanity against the demonic world. With the loss of this Eucharistic focus on the part of a post-Christian culture, a new kind of demonic communion has become the mystery cult of those who seek for greater meaning in life, and this new faith is sweeping over the world, transforming people's identities, and becoming a state-sanctioned pattern of life.
The homosexual ritual is a communion of the flesh - as an Antichristian Eucharist, literally trying to become united with the physical ideal through taking in the physical flesh and blood/seed of the one being worshipped. It is not a mystical union or a metaphysical transformation, but a literal outworking of the sacred union of souls. The one who is worshipped is the one whom the worshipper wants to be, the one who is the ultimate other, deified because of physical beauty and an internalized self hate. This intense desire for beauty, a feeling that we need to have this physical perfection to be complete, is a reflection of the intense need we have in our spirits for complete beauty, love, and deification of God. This need can never be filled by another human being, male or female, and to insist such is spiritual idolatry and a physical perversion of our sexual and social purpose.
The Context of Perversion
Righteous sexuality between a husband and wife is not focused on the inferiority of self, but upon the completion and service of the opposite and complementary spouse. It is a delight in opposites, a desire for that which one does not already have; whereas homosexuality is the worship of an ideal that the person feels like they do not meet, a father who was absent, or a cultural embodiment of an idea with which one becomes obsessed and possessed. The desire for communion with a perfect one, who is a perfected self, is a physical manifestation of the intense desire for salvation and perfection in God. It worships a projected and substitute self, a self that is ultimately a substitute for God.
"Entrevue de l'Auteur [Collin de Plancy] avec le Diable”, by Collin de Plancy, Le Diable peint par lui-même, seconde édition, Paris, AD 1825 |
Homosexual ritual is used to completely reorient the identity and practice of the individual. It results from the complete repression of the spirit, the total magnification of the fallen flesh (which is here today and gone tomorrow), the hedonistic delight in the non-reproductive usage of the only thing that is the physical manifestation of our spiritual purpose - sexuality. Sexuality is a manifestation of human existence in the spiritual sense within the physical realm. It is the incarnation of all the worlds hopes and dreams, the place where humans potentially share in the same transcendent calling within their differing gendered roles as father or mother, nurturing others in a self-sacrificial capacity, moving into the future as a family. Homosexual acts turns this basic communal and cultural reality into a false act of sharing, one in which the goals are self-satisfying and masturbatory, whilst fixating on a hollow standard of perfection, youth, and the demands of the immediate “now.” It sacrifices tomorrow to fill the insecurities of today.
The Purpose of the Ritual
Satan uses this misdirected desire for perfection, for God, the intense worship, pleasure and meaning that come from sexual communion, to blind people's eyes and completely subject their spiritual identity to the misuse of the flesh. Those who live in a homosexual lifestyle experience intense spiritual emptiness and hopelessness, but they try to fill this need through a false method, and by a physical savior - a lover who cannot save, because they are looking for a savior, too, and both are alienated and disappointed when they discover that the other is truly not perfect. So, seeing past the facade of these living idols and their communion, the homosexual is completely given to despair and destruction. Hope is defeated in a demonic substitute for natural love. The worship of Asmodeus ultimately leads to despair, self-hatred, and suicide.
Because the human soul is a compound between spirit and body, the desires of the human body carries with it a far more mysterious and spiritual reflection than we currently admit. Those things which manifest on a physical level are directly connected to the spiritual health of the individual, their personal needs, and the spiritual condition. Those who are concerned with the mind as an object, who recognize it as its own hierarchy, are confused as to how the body manifests desires that do not logically register with the mind. Therefore, they are left with the view that these desires are natural, because they are not a conscious part of the mind's reasoning complex. It becomes as if the body has a mind of its own, and as if the body is no longer under the conscious mind's control. This is a result of the body exulted over the spirit, and the functions of the spirit being fulfilled by the desires of the flesh. This is also the state of habitual sin and spiritual openness that leads directly to demonic possession.
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A Medieval Block Print of Demonic False Marriages |
A Call to Repentance
In order to reject the evil influences of our contemporary culture's Asmodian cult, we must first realize what is happening, confess any past connections to it (both to God and to a priest), and completely reject and work against its many manifestations in our lives - whether that be pornography, fantasy, same sex attraction, cross-dressing, masturbation, disordered heterosexuality, transgenderism, or any of the many gender ideologies that rejects our God-given purpose in Christian life such as "Gay Rights," feminism or "black-pilled" mannism. All of these ideological and spiritual perversions of our natural and supernatural roles as God-worshippers and procreators of other God-worshippers must be actively rejected and cast aside. All books and materials dedicated to such lifestyles and ideologies must be burned. All promises or covenants made must be renounced, broken, and completely obliterated by the Name of Holy Trinity and the prayers of the Saints. This resistance must be active and consistent, because, unlike many other things, the opposition to purity of life and the true worship of God is also alive, constantly changing their attacks, and constantly plotting our downfall. Satan and his fallen angels will stop at nothing to compromise us, confuse us, addict us, and destroy us. We are only safe in the arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and only able to follow after Him within His Church, protected and filled by Christ's gift of Himself, His Body and Blood, in the True Eucharist!
O Lord and Master of my life, Who created man in Thine own likeness, and bestowed upon me the power of life eternal; Who also despisest not those who have fallen away through sin, but providest salvation for the world through the incarnation of Thy Christ; Do Thou, the same Lord, delivering me, Thy creature, from the bondage of the enemy, illuminate and destroy all spiritual bondage, and receive me into Thy heavenly Kingdom. Open the eyes of my understanding, that the illumination of Thy Gospel may shine brightly into my heart. Protect my life through the ministry of the angel of light that Thou hast set over me, who shall deliver me from every snare of the adversary, from every encounter with evil, from the demon of the noonday, and from all evil thoughts. Protect and free me, O Lord, from all evil, and grant that I may be held by the intercessions of the Most Holy Theotokos, and all the Saints, who stand eternally before Thee in Heaven, triumphant over all evil, deceit and wiles of the Devil, and who cry continually for Thy return to rule and reign in an unending kingdom. Grant this, O Father, for Jesus Christ sake, our Mediator and Advocate, Who livest and reignest with Thee in the power of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
"Goethe's Faust" by Willem Royaards, Amsterdam, Netherlands, AD 1918 |
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