A Liturgical Prayer for Ukraine

The Rt. Rev. Bp. Gregory of Bangkok (Ancient Church of the West)

Oh God our Help in Ages past, our hope for years to come: be thou our guard while life shall last and our eternal home.

Lord we have been overwhelmed this week. We find ourselves lost in the magnitude of the horror unleashed on Ukraine. We observe the horrendous unfolding of war, playing out hour by hour. We raise our hands, we weep.

So Lord, we bring our prayers to you now, against this nationalistic war of aggression, with all its abusive power and self-justified violence. Our prayers Lord can seem so small, given a dictators hellbent desire for destruction. But you showed us in Scripture, a father, who both understands and can outstand, the pathetic whims of dictators and narratives of war. You suffered at the hands of the Roman empire, and then overcame, through that valley, becoming the Lord of life and eternity. So Lord, we bring our prayers to you, in trust and in faith, asking you to guide Ukraine and this world now, through this jagged path and storm. Take from all our hearts, the panic that makes this about us, and turn our eyes, faith and action instead, to focus on you, and your ways of engagement. May we trust in you that your justice will prevail.

Lord in your Mercy, hear our prayer! 

We pray for president Vladimir Zalensky, that he may continue to inspire boldly and show leadership in this crisis, in this David and Goliath situation.

Give him, the leaders of Ukraine, the 15 million mobilized soldiers, great wisdom in the coming days, as they listen and act in each moment. 
We pray that you would be with them, in the critical strategic decisions they all make this week, that could affect the world for decades.
We pray that the Europe, the wider world, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Moldova receiving refugees, may stand together in this crisis, and cooperate, to deliver strategic practical assistance for Ukraine and her people. 
You are the lord of the nations Lord. Should it be your will Lord, thwart any plans for evil and harm that menace Ukraine, even today, and turn events around. Save your people from this aggression and enable through this darkness, your kingdom to come, your light to shine.

Lord in your Mercy, hear our prayer! 

We pray for those fleeing their homes, those fleeing on foot or in cars with no petrol, those having only one bag of possessions, those with no food left, no power or meds/pills.

We lift up to you for those still seeking shelter from shelling, those sleeping in the Underground/subway, those paralyzed by fear. Father give people clarity and wisdom in making hasty decisions to save their lives.
We uplift those left home alone to cope, especially the elderly, fending for themselves as so many aged 18 to 65 have left to bear arms. Hold them in your arms.
Where people are bereaved Lord, stand with them.
Where they are in pain, give them access to medical help and supplies.
Where they are in terror, take their fear from them.
Give them a heart of hope and a sense of inner peace in the tumult
Give all resilience we pray and the capacity to keep going within trauma. Speak and uphold them through your spirit. Be present with them, carrying them in their hour of need.

Lord in your Mercy, hear our prayer! 

We pray particularly for the churches in Ukraine, a nation where 70% of the population call themselves Christian.
Ukrainians have asked for intercession, serious intercession. 
They want us to pray for several things: that Ukrainians remain calm and do not fear; that Ukrainian Christians would be generous in the midst of war; that the people and the nation would know how discern relevant news from fake news, for their safety’s sake. They have asked particularly for prayer that the churches would stay open, daily, to minister, help and even accommodate displaced men, women and children.
In a moment of silence, we pray with them.

Lord in your Mercy, hear our prayer! 

We pray Lord for wisdom, strength, and courage for the army and the challenges of a newly conscripted 15 million plus, who are protecting Ukraine. Many are learning how to use weaponry, even Kalashnikov rifles today, to defend their streets. We have seen elderly women making Molotov Cocktails to protect their neighbourhoods. It is dumbfounding Lord. May the Ukrainians and the many Christians among them, discern how they should act in the unfolding fight between good and evil. We are already seeing some instances of soldier to soldier kindness, within the terror between Ukrainian and Russian soldiers and visa versa. May your spirit so shine Lord, in this darkness Lord, that the meeting of Christian and good hearted combatants, may escalate the putting down of arms, in the mutual desire for peace.

Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer! 

We pray Lord for the effectiveness of sanctions implemented by the wider world, that the Swift mechanism, stopping Russian international financing may help to stop the conflict. We pray for the new, precarious, emerging world order teetering forward and pray that a UN, fit for purpose, may emerge. Show us as the UK to be a blessing to the world and use our resources, our soft and hard power to good effect. May the UK stand for your values and justice in this conflict - and may we, individually and collectively, do all we can in prayer and action to enable peace.

Lord in your Mercy, hear our prayer! 

So, Lord, as we bring this time of prayer to a close, we pray for a different story. We cry out to you Father that you would write another story in our time, that this conflict would not escalate into the destruction of Ukraine or a 3rd World War. 

Thwart the plans for evil and harm that menace Ukraine, even today and turn events around. Give wisdom from heaven to peacemakers seeking a less violent way. Save your people from this aggression and enable your values and your kingdom to come for you are the Lord of the Nations.

May we all take comfort in the Psalm 3's words which King David wrote when he was fleeing from his son Absalom: 'Lord, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; many are saying of my soul, ‘There is no salvation for him in God.’ But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. I cried aloud to the Lord, and He answered me from His holy hill. I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the Lord sustained me.' 



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