Mar Malke, Bishop and Wonderworker (222–395 AD)

Edited by Bp. Joseph (Ancient Church of the West

Mar Malke, a renowned ascetic and wonderworker, was born in AD 222 and served as the bishop of Arkah, a region near Midyat in Mesopotamia (modern-day Turkey). His life was marked by deep devotion, prayer, and asceticism, qualities that made him a shining example of holiness for the Christian faithful. Known for his miracles and ability to cast out demons, Mar Malke became a revered figure throughout the region.

From a young age, Mar Malke was dedicated to the monastic life. He lived with simplicity and humility, fasting and praying without ceasing. His knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, coupled with his love for the Church, drew many people to him for guidance and spiritual care. In time, he was consecrated as bishop of Arkah, where he led his flock with great compassion and steadfast faith. His wisdom and spiritual authority became well known, and many came to him for healing, both physical and spiritual.

The Miracle in Constantinople

One of the most famous miracles of Mar Malke took place when he was called to Constantinople. The king’s daughter had been possessed by a powerful demon, tormenting her day and night. Despite the efforts of physicians and magicians, no one could bring relief to the young princess. In desperation, the king called upon Mar Malke, whose fame as a man of God and wonderworker had spread far and wide.

Mar Malke arrived at the palace, and after praying fervently, he invoked the name of Christ and commanded the demon to leave the princess. The demon, unable to resist the power of God working through the saint, was forced to depart, and the girl was immediately healed. The king, in his gratitude, offered Mar Malke many gifts, but the humble bishop refused them, desiring instead to serve God alone.

The Baptismal Basin and the Devil’s Submission

Following the exorcism, Mar Malke displayed further authority over the demon. He commanded the devil to carry a baptismal basin from the king’s palace in Constantinople to his monastery in Arkah. The demon, now under the saint’s control, was compelled to obey, transporting the large and heavy basin across a vast distance. Upon arriving at the monastery, Mar Malke bound the demon and cast it into a well, sealing it under his spiritual authority.

Cultural Legacy and Veneration

Mar Malke lived to the age of 173, passing away in 395 AD. His monastery in Arkah became a place of pilgrimage, where many sought his intercession for healing and deliverance. His reputation as a wonderworker who could cast out demons and heal the sick continues to inspire the faithful.

In 2024, the above icon of Mar Malke was created by the Very Reverend Father Malke Matti Yousif, depicting the miracle of healing the king’s daughter and subduing the demon. This icon serves as a reminder of Mar Malke’s victory over evil through the power of Christ and his lasting legacy in the Syriac Christian tradition.

Syriac Hymn of Mar Malke

O Mar Malke, thou holy bishop and servant of Christ, 
Who didst cast out demons and heal the afflicted, 
Intercede for us, that we may be delivered from every evil, 
That the peace of God may dwell in our hearts, 
And that we may serve the Savior of our souls! 


O Almighty God, who didst raise up thy servant Mar Malke to be a vessel of thy grace, Grant that, through his intercession, we may be delivered from all the snares of the enemy, And be brought to the joy of eternal life; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.


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