Weird Christians

Whether You Wear an Outdated Pointy Silk Hat or a Outdated Pointy Silk Tie, Christian Rituals and Traditions are All Weird and Unnecessary in an Increasingly Secular World

By Bp. Joseph Boyd (Ancient Church of the West)

Growing up in a thriving Baptist community, I remember how "normal", how "American" we thought we were. We thought we epitomized the values of the "regular guy", who didn't need to be convinced of the existence of God or the inspired truth of Scripture, only which denomination to join! We were a part of the American story of a blessed and righteous nation, we thought we were rich and successful because God was on our side. 

There may be a few places where this feeling holds out, the Deep South or in some Mid-Western pockets, but now, in our Postmodern, Social Justice-oriented, New Atheist and YouTube brainwashed, LGBTQ-policed public space, we are a post-Christian society - going to church and singing "down home" Gospel songs and hearing a Hell-fire and brimstone sermon with an altar call is just as strange and socially unacceptable as chanting in Aramaic for three hours and receiving the Body and Blood of Christ while dressed in robes at a different kind of "altar call." 

By becoming post-Christian and hyper-secular, the West has permitted Christians to be weird again. This is a good thing. They could never guess how weird we truly can become! We can be (and have been in the past) far weirder than fat old men who "identify" as little girls - we are a living, vibrant body, drawn from all sectors of society, who identify with someone who overcame death, and as a result, do not fear martyrdom. We are now free to radically overturn and undermine that social order which the enemies of Christ have striven so long to create - we are free to create a "post-secular" age!

Even so, Lord Jesus, quickly come! 


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