What is “Anglo-Orthodoxy”?

Our Jurisdiction Strives to be an Antidote and Refuge from Godless Secularism, Perversion, Anti-Christian Ideology and Anti-Family Culture

“Anglo-Orthodoxy” is a Western Christian movement that rejects secularism, liberalism, feminism, scientism, modernism and postmodernism, and insists on a return to Orthodox Christianity on one hand, and sustainable principles of family, tribe and nation on the other hand. It disavows racist ideas of superiority or inferiority, affirming mankind’s universal status as “made in the image of God.” We are all "One Blood" and there is never an excuse for racial hate or bias. However, our vision also disagrees with globalists and secularists who believe in inconsequential nature of cultural and linguistic difference and would advocate for the leveling of these difference through global secularism. Cultures are different and cannot be treated the same. Christianity is truth and cultures based on things other than Christianity reflect less truth. We cannot accept all cultures as equally valid, equally good, and interchangeable. We must continue to love and propagate Christian culture as it developed in the West, and not voluntarily extinguish it out of false racial guilt or from a mistaken, "Neo-Patristic" vision of an anti-western Orthodoxy. 

Our ethos deeply resonates with anti-secularist, anti-ecumenical Eastern Orthodoxy, but endeavors to appreciate and preserve the tradition of the Northern European, Western Patriarchy, expressed in the Anglican Tradition, instead of replacing it with a foreign and antagonistic patrimony that insists on the death of our own culture and its replacement by another, equally flawed, patrimony. To accept foreign overlords of Princely Patriarchs or Imperial Popes directly undermines the Apostolic Self-Rule that was given to us by our Apostolic forefather, St. Joseph of Arimathea, and established in the rule of co-equal bishops. The Dhimmi mentality of Mediterranean Orthodoxy and the Soviet mentality of Slavic Orthodoxy are all equally dysfunctional, and to accept them as the “solution” to our problems would merely substitute one set of cultural problems for another, while leaving our original cultural questions, traditions, modalities and needs unanswered and unmet. This is why we believe that English-speaking, Traditionalist Christians must be canonically Orthodox, but not treated as a "subjected people", but as equals, allies and warriors for the restoration of Western Christendom to Orthodoxy.

The Chrismaton of St. Ambrose of Milan, the place against the eastern wall where he imparted the sacred knowledge of the Creed to the newly baptized, chrismating them and imparting the laying on of hands for the impartation of the Holy Spirit. This symbol combines the Cross, the Name of Christ, and the Alpha and Omega into one symbol. It was beneath this sign that Christianity conquered the Roman world.

In missions, our vision advocates the establishment of autocephalous Apostolic and Orthodox Christian Churches in receiving cultures that maintain their own patrimony and distinctives, native churches that reflect indigenous values, rather than endeavoring to colonize those cultures with European cultural modalities. They would maintain their distinctiveness from Western culture, just as we maintain our distinctiveness from Eastern European and Mediterranean cultures. We do not believe that technological benefits of Western Civilization, Western medicine, and systems of government should be withheld from the world, of cultures and nations wish to adopt them, but this is different from the process of Christianization and must be kept separate. 

In the American and European context, we endeavor to restore the “Faith of Our Fathers” and the disciplined, unfussy, square, masculine principles that made the Anglosphere sustainable throughout history, and pulled millions of souls out of slavery and superstition into the shining light of Christendom. A complete rejection of feminism, homosexuality, transgenderism and queer identity is fundamental to the restoration of our culture to biological and cultural sustainability. It is better to violently resist this insidious and hurtful ideology outright and still be able to pass on our values to our children, rather than allowing it to fester, neuter our sons and transfix our daughters, so that they voluntarily extinguish themselves through a hatred of family and the practice of moral perversion. 

We do not believe the “British Israeli” doctrine, but see the Church as the Covenant that replaced Israel, and the Northern European expression of Ancient, Apostolic Christianity as one of the ancient cultural manifestations of this Truth. As such, we do not believe White, Christian, Anglo-Saxon/Celtic culture is innately racist, but that it has been an overall positive in that it has led to freedom and egalitarianism around the world, the proliferation of modern medicines, human rites, and the establishment of the Church and Bible translations all around the world. This does not mean that all history between peoples has been just and equitable, and we repent of past sins and grieve over the abuses of our ancestors, just as we freely admit our own sins and understand Christ's work to cover and expiate us from both our own guilt and the guilt of our fathers. We believe that it is morally equitable to embrace, propagate, cherish and pass down the legacy of Northern European Christian Culture into the future, without self-hatred, racial guilt, or reparations. 

We do not embrace a belief that we must “own up” to a secular humanism that is believed to be the inevitable expression of Northern European culture by Orthodox and Roman Catholic fundamentalists, and we reject the idea that we must willingly self-extinguish in repentance for this perceived cultural guilt. English and American culture has overwhelmingly desired to express Christian sentiments in individualistic ways, and while imperfect and struggling to conform to historical orthodoxy of doctrine and catholicity of practice, Godless humanism has also not been willingly embraced by our culture. This unfortunate reality has been forced upon us by an “Egyptian Captivity” of large, multi-national corporations, governmental bodies, and the influence of elite universities and education systems, which have coerced goodwill and our culture’s loyalty and love of peace for the despoiling of our civilization. We maintain that our freedom from these oppressive and godless institutions will bring about a restoration of our culture, our families and our patrimony, and we are, institutionally, committed to subverting these damaging and heretical organizations. Anglo-Orthodoxy is a strong appreciation for the “Anglo” culture attached to faithful Christianity - “Orthodoxy.” 

The goal of the Anglican Vicariate is to provide a fully Orthodox canonical shelter for conservative Christians in the Anglican Patrimony, bridging between East and West, and centering our community in the battle against heresy, secularism, radical individualism, feminism, postmodernism, cultural marxism, and the gender identity agenda. We were imparted a beautiful and life-giving Tradition as English-speaking Christians. It is up to us to resist the world and pass this great treasure on to future generations! 

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